I am really unfit. Will I be able to cope with the class?

Yes you will. We recognise that many people are starting at a relatively low fitness level & may not have exercised for some time. Therefore, when required, we will offer beginners, intermediate & advanced options for each exercise. You can choose which of these to do. You will not be asked to do anything you are not physically capable of doing.

It's your own Journey: Your Pathway at Your Pace.


What should I bring to the class?

We strongly advise that you bring a water bottle to keep hydrated through classes.

For Combat Class, your own boxing gloves and pads are required to participate.

There are lockers available for personal items such as car keys & valuables.

Other than that, all you need to bring is a positive attitude and plenty of energy.


What should I wear to class?

Wear comfortable workout clothes that you can move in. Some of our classes - MIND, BODY & SOUL Relaxation may be done barefoot, but most classes require some form of athletic shoes.


When/what should I eat or drink before a class?

One of the most common mistakes made is exercising on an empty stomach.

This results in a lack of energy and burning of muscle instead of fat. Aim to eat something high in energy about an hour before the class. Fruit or cereals are ideal as they digest quickly. Also make sure you are hydrated. Just 5% dehydration can cause a 30-40% reduction in performance so aim to drink plenty of water not just during, but before and after the class.


Will I get big muscles?

The training we do is designed to burn calories, reduce bodyfat & tone all of the major muscle groups, without building size. So you will become leaner & stronger, without looking like The Hulk!